Monday, September 12, 2005

A Special Day

I can remember where I was 25 years ago this morning. I was working for Montgomery Ward in Westgate Mall, Abilene, Texas. The store had not opened yet, when comeone came over the store PA system. "Rick Ross, you're going to be a daddy!"

Well, I took off for the car -- and drove like a mad-man to get home. I expected to see Beverly lying on the floor, breathing: "Ph-ph-ph." I opened the door -- no Beverly. I walked into the bedroom, and there she sat putting on her makeup. She smiled and said, "Give me a few minutes." Yeah, right.

Well, we took our 2-yr. old daughter, Jenny, to Jim and Jody Reese's house, and headed to Hendricks Hospital. About 3-1/2 hours later, I had a son! And what a joy he has been! When he was little, he was my shadow. 25 years later, I often find myself standing in his shadow -- so proud of who he is.

Beverly and I have been so blessed in our lives. But the greatest blessing at this point is our children and their spouses (of course, Malaya is included in that). I don't know any blessing that could take its place.

Josh, you are a keeper! I'm so proud of you, my son.


jenny biz said...

We love you Josh!! I love the pictures of me staring in the hospital window at you. I loved you so much!! What a blessing it is to be your sister! I am and always have been so proud of you!

Bev Ross said...

Rick, you are so blessed with the gift of writing! Powerful! I love that you love our children! I love you!

Joel said...

I hate to break the "family" feel of the current comments, but I had to add that I also love Josh and praise God for his life!