Thursday, June 05, 2008

Jocelyn Makes Four (Grandkids)

We got home last night. What a few days it has been! On Monday, Jennifer went into labor at about 6 AM. By 11:30, she went to a Birthing Clinic. At about 1 PM, Jocelyn Brooke was born -- 7lb14oz and 20 3/4 inches. She was born in water! It is a new technique for the US, but I can't argue with the results. She did not look like a normal newborn. Rather, she looked more like how a baby looks after several days.

Anyway, by 4 PM -- Jennifer and Jocelyn were home! You read it right. They were home with a 3 hour old baby. We got there about 6, and what a joyous time it was! Everyone is doing great. Jed isn't quite sure about the new person who is receiving so much of HIS attention. But he will do fine.

What is with the wind this year? I do not remember a year that it has been this windy. Today it's supposed to be blowing 35-40. I'm thinking about getting a windmill generator.


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! The wind ... could it be from all the politicians?

Jeff said...

I would love a windmill generator. Coming back from Abilene a few weeks ago, I drove through a windmill farm. They are incredible behemoths to look at. I think I'd get a kick out of seeing one spinning free or reduced price electricity into my home.

Congratulations on the new grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the same weather we had for weeks on end this time of year while I was growing up in western Oklahoma. May your grand daughter always be blessed by her family.