Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Last night was the 1st night of our VBS. The children are divided up in "tribes" (the 12 tribes of Israel). Beverly and I are tribe leaders, and our tribe is Gad. So, I am the "Gad daddy"; that's what the kids are calling me.

I love VBS! The joy in the faces of the kids, but also in the faces of the many volunteers. We had so many adults there last night -- filling countless and varied roles. Some manned craft booths. Others got the refreshments ready. Others were tribal leaders. Others were teachers in the different centers. Still others acted out drama skits. The talent that comes out during VBS week is nothing short of incredible! Thanks to all the volunteers who make VBS happen.

I would love to bottle it and the enthusiasm -- and spread it out over the entire year.

I have begun teaching an on-line course this summer for Amberton University. It is "Life and Teachings of Jesus." I have 24 students from all over the US -- and some beyond that. We certainlly live in an incredible time in history. I am anxious to see how this on-line class unfolds.

1 comment:

Bev Ross said...

I LOVE VBS! So much fun to watch children have a good time in the name of Jesus.