Thursday, December 01, 2005

Special Prayer Request

As I sat down at my computer this morning, I was trying to decide what to write my blog about. I checked some blogs that I keep up with, and came to my daughter's. Many of you know that she and her husband have been dealing with some infertility issues for several years, and desperately want another baby. They are incredible parents, and so we have been praying as a family and friends for years that the Lord would bless them again.

Well, my daughter's most recent blog absolutely broke my heart and caused me to shed some tears. Instead of telling you all about it, I am going to ask you three favors today:
1. Go to and read her blog.
2. Please leave her a note of encouragement
3. Pray! Please pray! Pray that the Lord will allow them to have another baby. Let's fill the throneroom of heaven today with prayers on their behalf.

I will be so grateful. Thanks.


Bev Ross said...

Thanks, honey, for sharing our heart so well. Jenny has been recevied many sweet notes of encouragement on her blog today. We will continue to cry out to Him! I hurt so badly for her!

Joel said...

Done! Love you brother!