Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Satan's Cruelty

Satan has a lot of nerve, and a wicked sense of humor. Last year at this time, my daughter lay fighting for her life because of a misdiagnosed case of strep. She had been in the hospital for 5 days at this point.

Today my granddaughter (Jenny's daughter) was taken to the doctor by her daddy. She has strep. Fortunately she is on antiboitics and I am confident will be fine. But how cruel of Satan to continue to mess with us like this. Oh, I long for the day when I will witness him being cast into the pit -- extinguished forever.

2 Corinthians 2: 11 "We are not unaware of his schemes." We are onto you, Satan. In the name of Jesus, we say that you may have won a battle. But you stand defeated. Even the battle you THINK you won has resulted in my daughter being eternally with Jesus. Good try.

I am saddened when Christians lay the blame for consequences of the Fall on God. Death? "Well, it was just God's time." Really? Was death God's will or Satan's? Sickness? Satan. Pain? Satan. Strained relationships? Satan. And all the while, God continues to work toward the renewal of all things -- back to the perfectness of His creation.

My heart aches for that day!


Lauren said...

It seems that as I look at the landscapes of my past days and weeks, I've prayed for David and Malaya as well as all of the rest of you constantly. I will not stop. I, too, CANNOT WAIT to see satan forever vanished into the pit of hell by our God of the universe! You and your family are never far from my prayers and thoughts. It's a great thing we KNOW who wins this battle.

Jeff said...

For me, peace comes in knowing that the things of this earth are temporary and the future I have with God is eternal. On the other hand, the pain and suffering caused by the temporary too often blur my view of what is to come but I so enjoy the times when I get back to the peace of knowing that God has already won the war. How I wish we could always rest in that and not have to face the battles Satan throws up in our face.

Mark and Brenda Bryan said...

Praying for your family always.

Anonymous said...

Being in a health care profession for over 20 years now, a verse I've spent much time on is 2 Corinthians 12:7 where Paul addresses his "thorn in the flesh." Many stop there but Paul goes on to call it a "messenger of Satan." A messenger, a bringer of bad news, an ambassador of evil, a prophet of pain, a reminder that sickness, dis-ease, pain, grief- it's all of Satan. But thanks be to God that even though we do have this un-Godly messenger and his cruelty, our Father matches and even far exceeds everyhing Satan can muster, with His love and compassion and comfort. I pray that God envelopes the Ross family today.

In Him, Wayne Mask