Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Marriage Agenda

I am so proud of my shepherds here at the Decatur Church of Christ, who have gone public with a statement that they want to be proactive in saving marriages -- thus defeating Satan's desire to weaken and destroy us.

As a part of their strategy, I will begin a series of lessons this Sunday about marriage. This is going to be different than the typical series that talks about communication, romance, etc. Although I may touch on such topics, I want us to approach marriage from the assumption that we are disciples of Jesus -- and so how should that affect our marriages?

I have been struck this past couple of weeks as I have begun to try to put together my thoughts. What has struck me as a real "aha" is how much Scripture has to say about relationships, but since those verses are not in the context of marriage, we think them odd when applied there. Yet my relationship with Beverly, next to my relationship with God, is the ULTIMATE place in which the words of Scripture are played out. Ideas like forgiveness, not holding grudges, kindness, patience, being a servant, etc. Concepts like "If someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice at the altar and go and be reconciled. Then come back to offer your sacrifice." We usually make application of that to the Lord's Supper. How many spouses would have to abstain from partaking of the Supper until they reconcile?


Josh Ross said...

Preach it!

Unknown said...

I look forward to the series. Covenant may be the most neglected aspect of marriage that I can think of.

Tim Pyles said...

Great concept for a series, Rick, and great application of Jesus' teaching on reconciliation; had never thought about its relevance to our most important relationships in our own families. Blessing to you and Beverly!