Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post-Election Observations

Well, it the US House is going to the Democrats -- with several seats to spare. The Senate is still in question. The political landscape today certainly looks different from the last 13 years when the Republicans took over both House and Senate.

While I have voted Republican for quite some time, I must say that I have been somewhat disappointed with what the Republican party has accomplished (or failed to accomplish) while they have been in power. They were given an opportunity by the American people with their "Contract for America." And while conditions are certainly not terrible in our nation, I think the public expected more.

So, it will be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of years. I could not help but notice, however, how giddy the TV news people were last night.


On a related note, I went to vote yesterday afternoon. Back when we moved to Decatur, I had updated Beverly and my driver's licenses on line. There was a place on there to update our voter's registrations -- which I did. But when I handed the lady my driver's license yesterday, she said I was not registered. So, I will have to wait until the next election. Oh, well.


Wow! What is happening to Metroplex sports? The Cowboys get No-Catch Owens. Now the Rangers are talking about going after Barry Bonds! What's next? The Mavs trying to work a trade for Kobe?


Anonymous said...

With Josh' great admiration for him, I think the Mav's ought to pursue D-Wade.

Concerning the elections - I usually don't reply to your political statements because I am passionate about the political process - but I truly believe that the USA just took a HUGE step backwards in national security - and it scares me. I won't elaborate.

Anonymous said...

I also was disappointed in the republican accomplishments. Guess we'll see how the dems handle things for a couple of years while the white house is held by Bush. Or perhaps they'll do so badly things will change. Or perhaps us Christians didn't do enough to influence the agenda or the outcome.