Monday, October 30, 2006

What a Weekend!

On Good Morning America, they are going to be doing a series on the 7 Natural Wonders of the World. It will be interesting to see what the "experts" include on their list. I feel pretty confident that I have seen two of them -- the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. Other guesses would be the Sahara and the Great Barrier Reef. From there, I am pretty stumped. Maybe the Galapagos Islands? Or the Amazon Rain Forest? Any ideas?


I'm still trying to get over the weekend! My family is so amazing! I wrote on Thursday that Beverly and I were going to Houston for her to do a ladies' retreat at Josh's church. Well, the whole thing was a lie. Josh had told me last week that his truck was broken down -- so he had to borrow Jonathan's car. Supposedly Jonathan and Jennifer were out of town. So, on the way to Houston, Josh called us and asked if we would swing by Jonathan's and pick him up -- as he was returning Jonathan's car.

We pull up and Beverly needed to go to the bathroom (another lie). We went in -- and the whole family was there to surprise me for my birthday.

Then Friday, we went and played golf. As we left the golf course, Josh said, "Follow me." So, we got out to I-45 and headed south. We ended up in Galveston, at a motel facing the beach. Ate at Landry's that night (it was soooooooo good!) Got to spend some great time together. Thank you Beverly, Jenny, David, Josh, Kayci, Jonathan, Jennifer, Malaya and Jed for a great memory and wonderful time!

I will give Jonathan credit: I don't think he lied to me at all. He does cheat on the golf course, though.


Please keep Beverly's parents in your prayers. Her dad is not doing well. We stopped to see them on our way back Saturday. He has been taken to the hospital this morning for observation. Her mom is having to come to Dallas today for a doctor visit. I know it is very difficult for them right now. Beverly's dad is such a wonderful man.

1 comment:

Bev Ross said...

I never lying was such fun! Had a blast getting ready for the weekend and even more on it!!! You are the best! with the BEST kids ever!!!!!! Happy 50th! I love you!