Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I've just left a small group of guys. We meet together every Wednesday morning, and are working through the book, Wild at Heart. This morning, we talked about our dads. And for most of us, it involved some pain.

I remember hearing years ago that a child's first impression of God comes from his/her father. That has haunted me, perhaps because I can see how true it is. I am pushing 50 years old, and I still struggle with God's faithfulness / dependability. Because He has ever proven to be less than faithful or dependable? No. But my father was.

As we sat around that table this morning, someone said, "I wonder what our kids will say about us in 20 years as they sit around a table like this?" Wow! It was a very sobering thought. And more than that, how will what they might say reflect how they feel about their Father?

Along that line, if you have never read The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent, it is a must read. Not only for dealing with our own pasts, but for making sure about our children's future.


Liz Moore said...

I agree, "The Blessing" is an awesome book! Blessing our children is so important and they give you step by step instructions on how God would have us to do that. And how to give God all the Glory. That book will also hold a special place in my heart because it is one of the first studies your wonderful wife did with us when we were all still at Mesquite. May God continue to Bless you both always!

JRoss said...

I want to respond but I am lost for words. I need to get that book.

Bev Ross said...

You are my hero! I love the Spirit moves and works in and through you. You are an overcomer and I just love that about you.

Anonymous said...

as you struggle with dependability and faithfulness side from your father, it is hard for me to understand that because mine always was there. i pray everday that God will be preparing me to be dad and i hope i will be like the one he blessed me with in many ways.
