Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Rose By Any Other Name?

You've heard the old adage, "A rose by any other name is still a rose." I think that same principle works in reverse, too. Calling a weed a rose doesn't make the weed a rose.

On November 8th, there are a number of propositions coming up for vote in Texas. One of them, Proposition 2, defines marriage as a union only between one man and one woman. I find it incredible that this is even coming up for a vote. But the moral and political landscape of America has changed so quickly it leaves my head spinning.

Homosexuals (hardly "gay" -- which means happy) have made tremendous strides in being accepted into our culture. What God calls an abomination is now touted as no different than that which God honors (marriage). They can already live together and enjoy employee benefits that were once reserved for married couples. But this does not satisfy their agenda. They will not be content until they have totally redefined society as it has existed since creation. They are not satisfied with compromise. Those who have any sensitivities which run counter to theirs must be vanquished. I would encourage anyone who thinks their behavior is normal to read Steve Farrar's book, Standing Tall -- particularly chapters 6 and 7.

Well, if America decides to change the meaning of marriage, I wonder what God will do. Will He give in to our majority vote? Will He send down an amendment -- changing Genesis 2: 24, Matthew 19: 4-6, and Ephesians 5: 31?

In our PC culture, I realize this might qualify as hate-speech. I really don't hate homosexuals. I do hate their sinful, abominable activity. My love for God and His Word will not allow me to call what is wrong right and what is right wrong. I don't think we are being Christlike if we allow people to live in rebellion to God and we say nothing.

So, on November 8th -- I will vote "YES" on amendment 2.


Anonymous said...

The political agenda of the far left is clear. Even if proposition 2 passes, you will see it again next election. Somehow it will be declared unconstitutional and go before the voters again (see California).

There are numerous head scratching subjects in scripture, but God's attitude toward the sin of homosexuality is clear (Rom. 1:24ff).

Fortunately in Florida we don't face these problems. Key West is a wonderful family vacation spot. (Did you see that lightening bolt?)

Jeff said...

It's a sad state of affairs. A business publication I read had a piece yesterday on how passage of Prop 2 would hurt Texas' economy because companies wouldn't move here. Hooray! If those companies are moving here based on "sexual orientation", they don't want my money and I don't need them. Of course, that's a more political view than scriptural one but it's obvious many vocal people don't care much for scriptural views.

Rick Ross said...


I agree with your assessment of Dobson-like tactics only building walls. And I also agree that we need to be serving and providing opportunities for healing. But I don't think that in order to do so, we have to ignore God's message or be silent about it. Yes, we are all sinners. But some sins (ie, lifestyles) seem to be more grevious to God than others. The sin of homosexuality may only be mentioned a half dozen times, but how many mentions is enough? Paul seems to be demonstrating in Romans 1 how degraded a society can become when sins such as homosexuality are not only practiced -- but condoned by those who ought to know better (Romans 1: 32). Further, Jesus never mentioned beastiality or incest either. I don't think His silence can be taken as condoning.

I love your missional heart. Keep reminding us! Someday we will get it.

John Whiteside said...

You should really go read Prop 2 closely. It's actually not about gay marriage, which is already illegal in Texas, and will be no matter what happens on election day.

What it does do, according to many of the lawyers who have studied it, is prevent people who are not married (same sex or different sex) from doing things like setting up powers of attorney, wills, and so on without threat of all of it being challenged in court.

This will affect not just gay couples in Texas, but also lots of "common law marriages."

It's really much more far reaching that just defining marriage.k

Bev Ross said...

Josh, amen and amen!

Anonymous said...


You are so right! We can get sidetracked from the gospel so easily. And our world does resemble the 1st century in many ways. I just pray that the church might impact our world the way our ancestors of the 1st-century did theirs.